Theology and Religious Studies

Subscribed resources

Academic Search Complete

Academic Search Complete is a multi-disciplinary full-text database with peer-reviewed journals. In addition to full text, this database offers indexing and abstracts for publications including monographs, reports, conference proceedings, etc. The database features PDF content going back as far as 1887.


Biblioteca do Conhecimento Online – B-on (Online Knowledge Library) gives unlimited and permanent access to full texts from scientific international publications from several publishers, through subscriptions negotiated on a national basis.

EBSCO eBook Collection

EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS) brings together the most comprehensive collection of content — including superior indexing from top subject indexes, high-end full text and the entire library collection — all within an unparalleled full-featured, customizable discovery layer experience.

EBSCO eBook Collection

Search and view the full text of eBooks.

EBSCO University Press eBook Collection

Coleção multidisciplinar que disponibiliza o acesso a mais de 38 000 ebooks publicados por mais de 90 editoras académicas.

Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception

The Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception (EBR) is the considered to be one the most comprehensive sources devoted to the Bible and its reception, being an indispensable reference for theology and religious studies, the humanities, the arts, cultural studies, and the social sciences. The encyclopedia contains the most up-to-date information on the origins and development of the Bible in the canons of Judaism and Christianity and the history of biblical interpretation and reception in non-Western religious traditions and movements.


JSTOR allows access to digitized articles from a variety of scientific fields: Arts & Sciences III Collection (Language & Literature, Music, Film Studies, Folklore, Performing Arts Religion, Art & Art History, Architecture & Architectural History), Business Collection, and Mathematics & Statistics Collection.


OpenDissertations is an open-access database built to assist researchers in locating both historic and contemporary dissertations and theses. Database coverage dates back to the 20th century.

Publication Finder

Publication Finder delivers a predictive search experience and includes a host of features from responsive auto-complete ranked by popularity of titles, to known-item search, to full-text linking, relevance ranking, and discipline-specific browsing.


ScienceDirect is a multidisciplinary website that provide access to Elsevier publications. Search for peer-reviewed journals, articles, books and book chapters.


Scopus is a metainformation and citations database of peer-reviewed publications, such as scientific journals, books and conference proceedings. It provides a comprehensive view of international scientific production in the areas of technology, medicine, social sciences or arts and humanities. Scopus features tools such as advanced search, analysis and results visualization. Through the citation index it is possible to analyze the number of citations of publications or authors.

Taylor & Francis

Taylor & Francis’ research interface, which provides access to more than 1900 scientific journals.

Web of Science

With the Web of Science platform, you can access an unrivalled breadth of world-class research literature linked to a rigorously selected core of journals and uniquely discover new information through meticulously captured metadata and citation connections.


Open Access resources

A Santa Sé

The Holy See Portal.

BiBIL: Bibliographie biblique informatisée de Lausanne

BiBIL is one of the most valuable and useful online resources for biblical scholars.

Biblioteca Comum

National service that aggregates the bibliographic resources of Higher Education and Science and Technology Institutions.

Catholic Resources for Bible, Liturgy, Art, and Theology

Platform that contains a variety of materials, mostly related to biblical and liturgical studies, intended for scholars, teachers, students, pastors, believers, seekers, and others. Many pages contain writings and photographs, some were created by students, and some are collections of links to other websites.

Christian Classics Ethereal Library

The mission of the Christian Classics Ethereal Library (CCEL) is to build up the church by making classic Christian literature widely available and promoting its use for edification and study by interested Christians, seekers and scholars.


One of the largest bibliographic portals in the world, whose main mission is to give visibility to Hispanic scientific literature. Focused fundamentally on the fields of Humanities, Legal and Social Sciences.

Directory of Open Access Journals

DOAJ is a community-curated online directory that indexes and provides access to high quality, open access, peer-reviewed journals.

Early Christian Writings

Early Christian Writings is the most complete collection of Christian texts before the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD. The site provides translations and commentaries for these sources, including the New Testament, Apocrypha, Gnostics, Church Fathers, and some non-Christian references.

Internet Christian Library

This portal contains pointers to archives related to the early church, including canonical documents, creeds, the writings of the Apostolic Fathers and other historical texts relevant to church history.


Network of 24 institutions that work in a coordinated way to gather and disseminate information on scientific journals produced in their country, also integrating those that disseminate Ibero-American studies around the world.

Leuven Institutional Repository and Information Archiving System

Lirias (Leuven Institutional Repository and Information Archiving System) is the institutional repository of the KU Leuven Association.

OpenEdition Books

OpenEdition Books is an open access platform for books in the humanities and social sciences.

OpenEdition Journals

OpenEdition Journals is a journals platform for the humanities and social sciences. 95% of articles are available in full-text access.

Origène : Portail des bibliothèques de l'UDESCA

Origène allows the simultaneous search in five bibliographic catalogs of Catholic Universities libraries: Angers, Lille, Lyon, Paris and Toulouse.

Papal Encyclicals Online

Guide to online Papal and other official documents of the Catholic Church.

PQDT (ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Open)

PQDT Open provides the full text of open access dissertations and theses from several scientific areas.

Rachel: Réseau Européen des Bibliothéques Judaica et Hebraica

Rachel is one of the most important bibliographic sources in the field of Jewish culture. It contains 200 000 entries, representing the holdings of the member libraries: Library of the Alliance israélite universelle (AIU), Library of the Séminaire israélite de France (SIF) and Paris Yiddish Center-Medem Library.

RCAAP (Repositórios Científicos de Acesso Aberto de Portugal)

RCAAP portal collects, aggregates and indexes Open Access scientific contents from Portuguese institutional repositories.


The Scientific Electronic Library Online – SciELO is an electronic library covering a selected collection of scientific journals. The Project envisages the development of a common methodology for the preparation, storage, dissemination and evaluation of scientific literature in electronic format. The content is published Open Access.


SpringerOpen offers open access content, books and journals, from all areas of science, technology, medicine, the humanities and social sciences.

Système Universitaire de Documentation

Sudoc is a French collective catalogue created by Higher Educational and Research libraries and resource centres. There are nearly 13 million bibliographic records in this catalogue describing all kinds of documents (books, dissertations, reviews, electronic resources, audio-visual documents, microfiches, maps, scores, and manuscripts).

The New Testament Gateway

The New Testament Gateway is the directory of academic resources on the New Testament. Browse or search annotated links connected with the academic study of the New Testament and Christian Origins.

The Orion Center

The Center aims to stimulate and foster research on the Scrolls, particularly the great task of integrating the new information gained from the Scrolls into the body of knowledge about Jewish history and religion in the Second Temple period. Such integration affects the study of the Bible, Jewish literature and thought of the Second Temple Period, earliest Christianity and the New Testament, early rabbinic Judaism, and more.

Theological Studies Research Guide

Resources such as dictionaries and encyclopedias, links to websites and lists of databases relating to the theological studies.

Unione Romana Biblioteche Ecclesiastiche

Unione Romana Biblioteche Ecclesiastiche offers a list of 18 bibliographic catalogs of religious libraries.

VThK: Virtueller Katalog Theologie und Kirche

VThK allows to search on the collections of scholarly religious libraries or theological collections in libraries of state universities or other state libraries, all in German-speaking countries.


Statistical information


Eurostat is the statistical office of the European Union. Its mission is to provide high quality statistics for Europe. This platform offers a whole range of important and interesting data that governments, businesses, the education sector, journalists and the public can use for their work and daily life.

Instituto Nacional de Estatística (INE)

INE produces, in an independent manner, high-quality official statistical information, relevant for the society, while promoting the coordination, the analysis, the innovation and the dissemination of the national statistical activity and ensuring integrated data storage.


PORDATA collects, organizes, systematizes and disseminates data on multiple areas of society, for Portugal and its municipalities, and for the European countries. The reported statistics derive from official and certified sources, with data production skills in the respective areas.